Behavioral Health Archives | Page 2 of 6 | Carson Tahoe Health

Why and How You Should Address Your Mental Health

Sometimes it’s important to look beyond your physical health for overall well-being. In a given year, approximately one in five adults in the U.S. will experience symptoms of a mental illness, such as anxiety or depression. However, nearly 60 percent of this population does not seek treatment. “People tend to ignore or put off issues related to their mental health,” says Christina Sapien, LCSW, Director of Behavioral Health at Carson Tahoe Health. “However, this can lead to further problems down the line. Often, people present to their primary care providers with physical symptoms, such as muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and digestion issues, that are actually the result of an underlying mental health condition.” If you experience symptoms of mental …

Is My Teen Suicidal?

Learn four ways to recognize and react to warning signs of potential suicide. Evidence suggests that when a high-profile suicide occurs—think Robin Williams, Kate Spade, or Anthony Bourdain—news of the suicide can trigger suicidal thoughts and actions in others. Exposure to these stories can make teens feel suicide is an effective way to put a stop to their pain. “The most likely signs of suicide are severe isolation and making clear, suicidal statements such as those about life not being worth living,” says Grant Clowers, LCSW, Clinical Supervisor at Carson Tahoe Behavioral Health Services (BHS). “Suicidal thoughts should always be taken seriously—they’re not just adolescent angst.” Other warning signs include teens withdrawing from activities they previously loved, intense fatigue, giving …

8 Prompts to Start Writing Your Memoir

Discover eight memoir-writing prompts for older adults. Writing a memoir is a great way to share your life story, even if you never publish it. Not only will it give whomever you choose to share it with a recorded history of your unique experiences, but it will help you remember those same experiences as you age. A study shared by the American Psychological Association found that reviewing information you have already learned helps you remember it more clearly. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry published another study that specifically looked at the effect of autobiography writing in older adults and found similar results. In this study, participating adults ages 62 to 84 showed improvement in both their attention and verbal …

3 Ways to Ease Stress

The stresses of everyday life can turn you into a grump, but negative emotions can actually affect your health. Buying birthday gifts, hosting guests, cooking feasts, attending work parties, and being bombarded by friends can put you in a sour mood. A pessimistic outlook, however, can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and other negative health effects that can build up over time. Whether you’re stressed or saddled with a serious case of the blues, counteract negative feelings and improve your mood with these tips: Don’t be afraid to say no. While it may seem counterintuitive, saying no to certain events or requests can help you keep a positive outlook as you handle only the tasks you can …

The Mallory Crisis Center: Providing Crucial Mental Health Services for our Community

May is national mental health month, and it is focused on raising awareness about eliminating the stigma that surrounds mental illness. Our nation is facing a widespread mental health crisis, and Northern Nevada is one of the hardest hit areas. In a recent Community Health Needs Assessment, performed by Carson Tahoe Health, mental health and substance use were identified as the region’s top concerns. Not surprisingly, it is also the top diagnosis for emergency room patients. Mental illness is very real, and it affects everyone. At Carson Tahoe Health we believe the mental health of our community is critical, which is why for many years we have provided multiple programs to serve as a safety net for our region. Two …