Behavioral Health Archives | Page 4 of 6 | Carson Tahoe Health

6 Signs You’re a Perfectionist

By Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD.  Elizabeth wrote the following article featured in Everyday Health: My name is Elizabeth, and I am a recovering perfectionist. From striving for As in school to making dramatic efforts to be thin, I always pushed myself to be better, relentlessly seeking perfection. My perfectionism helped me achieve some significant things — academic awards, degrees, honors — that furthered my career. Because perfectionism is often rewarded in our society, I thought that if I were perfect, if I achieved all my goals, I would be happy. But to the perfectionist, nothing is ever enough. The sought-for happiness never arrives because we’re so focused on what we haven’t accomplished, what we should have done. I constantly judged myself …

Remember This! Recent Study Shows Men are More Likely to be Forgetful

Whether you forgot to take out the trash (again) or to book a reservation at your wife’s favorite restaurant for your anniversary, take heart: Men are generally more likely than women to be forgetful. A new Norwegian study published in the journal BMC Psychology found that men forgot information more often than their female counterparts. Researchers asked 37,405 participants memory-related questions. Both male and female participants age 30 and older were asked nine questions concerning their memory and if it had changed. The results showed nearly half of the participants—more men than women—had some trouble recalling memories. Early Onset Brain Drain Researchers found that memory problems typically increased with age, but men often had issues recalling information regardless of their …

How to Beat the Monday Blues

Thanksgiving was Americans’ favorite day of 2013, according to a recent Gallup poll. Throughout the year, the Gallup polling company conducts more than 175,000 surveys to determine what days most Americans are happiest, and which they find most stressful.  At the most basic level, the findings can be summarized as: Americans love getting time off from work. Memorial Day took second prize in terms of favorite days, and was closely followed by Christmas and two random Saturdays — June 8 and September 28. Easter Sunday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and the Saturday before Martin Luther King Day were also all in the top ten, rounded out with Sunday, June 9. (June 8-9 was just a good weekend, it seems.) Some …

3 Keys to a Stress-Free Life

Carson Tahoe Behavioral Health Services provides tips for dealing with stress in everyday life.

Clean your room…It’s good for you!

Mina Fiddyment, health navigator at the Carson Tahoe Health and Wellness Institute, came across this interesting article on about the health benefits of keeping a tidy space! Now, we understand that life happens, things get cluttered and let’s face it sometimes we just may not feel like cleaning.  However, we do encourage you to read on and maybe the next time you’re forced to do laundry or pick up, you’ll feel better since it’s good for your health! A stress survey conducted on behalf of the Huffington Post revealed home organization as being one of the most common stress triggers. 84 percent of those polled worry their home isn’t clean or organized enough, and 87 percent of the women polled …