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Five for Friday

Here are five random – yet useful – bits and tips for you to take with you through your weekend! We hope it’s a relaxing and beautiful one for you and your family! 1. Try cherries for a post-workout snack Cherries are a natural anti-inflammatory. Try having them as a post-workout snack for beneficial muscle recovery and to help alleviate any workout related pain. 2. Clean your kitchen sink! Your kitchen sink is dirtier than your bathroom – There are typically more than 500,000 bacteria per square inch in its drain; the faucet, basin, and sponge are crawling with germs as well. (via) 3. Add a paper towel to your salad The paper towel will absorb the excess moisture and keep your lettuce …

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Chances are, you’ve heard about the obesity epidemic in the nation. But, did you know that 1 in 3 children in the United States is overweight or obese? Childhood obesity puts kids at risk for health problems that were once seen only in adults which include:  type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. LUCKILY Childhood obesity can be prevented and we can all help and think of ways for our kids and kids in our community to make healthier eating choices and increase their physical activity. Here are just a few ways you can help your kids start and stay on a healthy track! : Start SMALL:  Minor adjustments and changes, like keeping fresh fruit within a child’s reach or …

How to make the most of being an “Empty Nester”

The “chicks have flown” and now you may find yourself feeling alone, lost or just not sure about what to do. While big changes tend to take some adjustment, it’s important to focus on the positives of your new independence and see an empty nest as a reason to start something new.  Below are some tips  for empty nesters, compiled by author Karen Stabiner.  Challenge yourself. You can choose from two paths when your nest empties. The first is to keep doing what you were doing and there are big holes where what you were doing was parenting. The second, happier path is to set yourself a challenge. Ask yourself, “What else would I like to do?” The answer might …

5 Health Screenings Women Shouldn’t Miss

Being proactive about your health really matters! What may sometimes seem as an added burden or appointment, can truly help you detect and maintain your overall  health as best as possible.  So, where to begin? Well- as always, you should consult your physician about what screenings would be best tailored for your lifestyle and health history- but if we had to recommend say… five-these common screenings should be making their way onto your calendar in the coming months. 1. Clinical Breast Exam/Mammograms A clinical breast exam is a simple physical exam performed by a trained health professional to identify changes and abnormalities in the breast. Susan G. Komen for the Cure recommends that all women, beginning at age 20, should get a …

Helping your Kid Choose an Extracurricular Activity

School has begun! And, alas that usually means the sports practice, lessons, troop meetings and recitals have resumed. While at times we wish our children could be involved in everything-sometimes our schedules and budgets won’t allow for a myriad of activities, resulting in you and your child to focus on a few key activities. This can be difficult because children’s interests constantly develop and change, which can leave them uninterested in a current activity and wanting to try something new at the drop of a hat. We’ve compiled some tips to consider when choosing a fun, meaningful extracurricular activity for you and your child! 1. School comes first. We get it- sports and playing with friends can sound a lot more …