attack Archives | Carson Tahoe Health

What Your Cholesterol Numbers Mean

Learn from Cardiologist, Dr. Susan O’Leary, what your cholesterol numbers really mean.

When It Comes to Heart Attacks, the Quicker the Angioplasty, the Better the Outcome

Heart attacks result in the death of muscle tissue. That death occurs when blood flow is severely restricted or stopped due to a blockage. Remove the blockage, and the blood flow is restored. The faster the blood flow is restored, the less damage occurs.

Exercise Regularly – Your Heart, Body and Soul will Thank you

While there are numerous benefits to exercise and physical activity, one of the most important benefits is heart health. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the top risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

Is it a Heart Attack? Symptoms Differ Between Men and Women

Presently there is a misconception that heart disease and heart attacks primarily affect men — but heart disease doesn’t discriminate. It is also the number one killer of women. Fueling this misconception is the fact that men and women suffer different symptoms and warning signs during a heart attack.

Cholesterol: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

In addition to what the body produces naturally, cholesterol is also in the foods we eat. When we have too much cholesterol in our bloodstream, that’s when the trouble begins.