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Senior Pathways

As we get older, our everyday behavior can drastically change. If you or someone you care about is experiencing an acute decrease in everyday functioning, Senior Pathways may be right for you.

Hearing Loss in Children on the Rise

Hearing loss is on the rise in the United States and the most common reason is noise. It is estimated that ten million people suffer from irreversible noise-induced hearing loss.

Mayor Bob Crowell’s Battle with Cancer

Mayor Bob Crowell of Carson City, Nevada, talks about his experience with prostate cancer at the Carson Tahoe Cancer Center.

Keeping Kids Healthy at School

In this day an age of food abundance and cheap junk food, many of us have forgotten how to eat, and as a result, our children are learning bad habits that lead to obesity. As our kids grow, we need to help them develop active lives and healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. Here are a few tips to keep our kids eating like they should.

Managing Acid Reflux

Most adult Americans have experienced heartburn or acid regurgitation at some time in their lives; these are the most common symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). For at least 19 million Americans, this condition is chronic – they’ve been living with it for years.