Blog | Carson Tahoe Health

The Truth About Sun Protection: 10 Sun Safety Myths Debunked

Summer is the perfect time to get outside with family and friends. Enjoying a barbecue, going for a hike, or lounging by the pool offers a welcome respite from the winter months. Still, the joys of summer come with the risk of damaging sun exposure. Being proactive about sun protection can help prevent short-term discomfort and long-term health issues such as skin cancer, the most common type of cancer in the United States. Myth 1: Sunburns Are a Concern, Not Tanning Fact: Whether a tan comes from sunbathing or tanning beds, it’s a sign of skin damage. Sunlight includes several types of light rays, including ultraviolet (UV) light. Two subtypes of UV light, UVA and UVB rays, can lead to …

What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder? More Than the Winter Blues

Spring and summer are usually associated with happiness and enjoyment. The weather is warm, the days are longer, and nature is blooming. However, some people experience the opposite of these positive emotions when the seasons change. Although seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is far more common in the cold and dark winter months, reverse SAD can lead to depression during spring or summer for some people. Carson Tahoe Health can help you understand what seasonal affective disorder is and learn how to manage this condition. Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder and Reverse SAD? Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that only occurs when specific seasons change. Most people experience the start of these seasonal depressive episodes during fall or early …

Chronic Disease Management During the Hot Summer Months

If you have a chronic condition, such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, or a mental health condition, the summer months bring unique obstacles. Fortunately, you can navigate these challenges by committing to chronic disease management. Breathe Better Despite Asthma The summer heat in Northern Nevada can cause your asthma to flare, triggering symptoms while outdoors. Summertime asthma can cause shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, or tightness in your chest. A few reasons you may experience symptoms include: To reduce your risk of summertime asthma issues, monitor your breathing, and take a break if you start to wheeze or feel short of breath. Use your maintenance inhaler as prescribed and always keep a rescue inhaler on hand. Talking with your provider …

Self-Care: Your Guide to Reaping the Benefits of Self-Care

When you are busy juggling the responsibilities of family and work, remembering to also pay attention to your personal well-being can feel like a luxury you can’t afford. However, the benefits of self-care are abundant and can spill over into other areas of life now and in the long term. What Is Self-Care, Anyway? When you think about self-care, bubble baths and pedicures may come to mind. That’s often how self-care is depicted in magazines and news programs. The truth about self-care is that it encompasses many different things. If you love taking long soaks in the tub or having your toes painted, those bubble baths and pedicures can definitely serve as part of your self-care routine—but spa treatments aren’t …

Feel Good and Live Better: 8 Healthy Habits to Start Today

Eating well and exercising are popular healthy habits to start at the beginning of a new year, and they are always smart choices. Incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine can prevent high blood pressure, boost your immune system, and reduce your risk of heart disease and other conditions. Don’t wait until Monday, the first of the month, or your birthday to make changes that can improve your overall health. Start today with these tips from Carson Tahoe Health. 1. Drink More Water Research shows making a new behavior a habit can take 10 weeks. So be patient with the process. The first step is to decide on a specific goal, such as drinking at least 64 ounces of water. …