Blog | Carson Tahoe Health

Ways to Improve Heart Health: 5 Steps to Success

Your heart health is made up of many elements, including: If you are trying to figure out different ways to improve heart health during American Heart Month this February, begin with these five steps to enhance cardiac wellness and lower your risk of heart disease. 1. If You Smoke, Resolve to Quit Smoking is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and many other serious health problems. If you smoke, develop a strategy to let go of the habit. Quitting is hard, but there are plenty of online resources available to guide you. 2. Choose a Heart-Healthy Diet Many kinds of eating plans can contribute to heart health. In general, select foods that: Excess weight increases your risk for heart disease, …

6 Ways to Support Your Child’s Mental Health

When thinking about health, many people focus on physical health. However, mental health is equally essential. Mental health is a combination of emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Often, children’s mental health concerns are minor and resolve quickly. When issues are severe or interfere with everyday life, a child may have a mental disorder, sometimes called a mental illness. Here are six ways to support your child’s mental health, including when to get help. 1. Build a Foundation for Positive Mental Health Whether you have a toddler or a teen, you can help them be physically and mentally healthy. Just like crawling and standing, there are social and emotional developmental milestones for young children. To give your little one a strong …

Better Mental Health Is a Gratitude Journal Away

Maintaining a positive outlook makes life more enjoyable, but it’s not always easy. Do you wish a positive mood was part of your everyday experience? You may benefit from a gratitude journal. Having a gratitude practice puts you in a better position to handle the gloomier parts of life. Here’s how to get started. What Is a Gratitude Journal? Gratitude means appreciating things and people that are meaningful to you. You may be thankful for friends and family members, supportive cancer services, or a raise you got at work. A gratitude journal is a way to record everything you’re thankful for. Picking a journal depends on your preferences. You can choose a pre-made gratitude journal, which may include prompts to …

It’s Past Time to Say Goodbye to Mental Health Stigma

Most people will see their primary care provider (PCP) or head to an urgent care clinic when they’re sick with the flu or another physical health condition. However, the stigma around mental health often keeps people from getting the medical attention they need. Centuries ago, mental health issues were often misrepresented as a religious punishment or seen as a sign of demonic possession. Those unfair beliefs, known as a stigma, linger today, even though we now know that mental health conditions are simply illnesses affecting the brain. Stigma can affect people in many ways. Perhaps most notably, stigma fuels negative attitudes and discrimination. Thus, mental health stigma can keep people from receiving the diagnosis and treatment they need. Understanding Mental …

Managing Diabetes: What You Need to Know

At your latest checkup, routine blood work showed that your blood sugar levels, or blood glucose levels, were high, and your primary care provider diagnosed you with Type 2 diabetes. What now? Making a few simple changes to your daily routine can make a big difference when it comes to managing diabetes. Your healthcare team at Carson Tahoe Health can provide you with diabetes care and the support system you need to navigate the specifics of your diagnosis. Staying as informed as possible is your best strategy for managing your diabetes successfully. Making Sense of Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic health condition that occurs when your blood sugar levels are too high. When the body is functioning optimally, the pancreas …