Carson Tahoe Health Collaborates with Carson and Douglas High Schools to Commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Carson Tahoe Health

Carson Tahoe Health Collaborates with Carson and Douglas High Schools to Commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In support of breast cancer awareness this October, Carson Tahoe Health has donated pink athletic socks for Carson and Douglas High School’s football players to dawn for their big rivalry game October 25.

Pink was chosen as it is the signature color for breast cancer, representing hope & healing for so many. Research has shown one in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

“Encouraging our local high schools to be part of a worldwide health campaign like breast cancer awareness is just one way to get students involved,” says Michelle Joy, Chief Operating Officer at Carson Tahoe Health. “It’s also an excellent way to educate the community regarding breast cancer.”

It’s true – the best defense against breast cancer is early detection. Carson Tahoe stresses the importance of an individualized three-step preventative routine that includes:

  1. Monthly self-performed breast exam
  2. Annual mammogram after 40, unless family history of breast cancer
  3. Annual physician breast check

The Gold Standard for early-detection of breast cancer is 3D mammography, especially for women with dense breast tissue. The latest technological advancements, including 3D mammography, are only available locally at Carson Tahoe Breast Center in Carson City and the Minden Medical Center. The whole purpose surrounding these awareness campaigns is to invite all to encourage their mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends to be proactive and take charge of their health.

Varsity, JV, and freshman teams will all wear the pink socks in support of breast cancer awareness at various games throughout October. The much-anticipated varsity rivalry game between the Carson High School Senators and Douglas High School Tigers will be held Thursday, October 25 at 7 PM at Carson High School’s field, 1111 N. Saliman Road, Carson City. Don’t forget to wear pink to show your support!

To find out more information on Carson Tahoe’s comprehensive breast center services in Carson City and Minden, visit