carson tahoe health Archives | Page 22 of 27 | Carson Tahoe Health

Menopause: A Review

All you need to know about “The Change.” Menopause is a normal and natural part of a woman’s aging process that usually occurs around the age of 50. During this time, hormones change and menstruation (“getting periods”) stops. Common symptoms include hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, night sweats, and irregular periods. Menopausal onset age, duration, and symptoms differ among women and your doctor can recommend ways to ease the symptoms that bother you. A brief anatomy lesson:  The internal female reproductive system includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina. The ovaries are two small organs that produce eggs (ova) and hormones. During a female’s reproductive years, an ovary typically releases one mature egg each month. Two fallopian tubes …

Crazy about Kale?

Kale is now becoming one of the trendiest new must-have ‘superfoods.’ Not only is it versatile, but it’s jam-packed with essential nutrients. Kale is a member of cabbage family. Although it’s known as the perfect garnish to dress up your dinner plate, it’s now one of the healthiest foods to incorporate in your daily diet. This “magical” Kale is packed  with antioxidants that contain carotenoids and flavonoids. These antioxidants protect our cells and prevent stress. They’re also known to prevent the formation of cancerous cells. Kale contains omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for fighting against inflammatory-related problems, such as: arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and asthma. It’s also great for lowering cholesterol due to its high fiber content. It’s a great …

St. Patty’s Day with Guest Blogger Rae from Rae’s Corner

-We’re so thrilled to feature one of our favorite bloggers, Rae from Rae’s Corner! We asked if she’d share one of her amazingly creative ideas for celebrating the upcoming “Lucky” holiday! Take it away, Rae! – Hi! Allow me to introduce myself! I’m Rae, a born and raised Northern Nevada girl. I’m married to my very sexy best friend, Tyler and am currently a student working towards FOUR PhDs. My fields of study: (we won’t talk about my grades though. eeeek..;) I regularly blog at Rae’s Corner ( about all topics related to motherhood, family, faith, cooking, and lifestyle. I love sharing the story of our life with others, and firmly believe in keeping it real while also searching for …

Missing: Your Period…about Amenorrhea

Today we will be spotlighting Amenorrhea, which is condition in which absent menstruation occurs in women. If you feel like this is something you may be experiencing, consult your physician for further diagnosis. The facts: Amenorrhea is a medical term that means the absence of menstruation.  It’s considered a symptom and not a disease because it usually results from another condition.  There are numerous reasons for a missed period for females that are not pregnant, lactating, or in menopause.  Luckily, most of the conditions that cause amenorrhea respond to treatment. There are actually two types of Amenorrhea, primary and secondary. Primary amenorrhea refers to a first period that has not occurred in a female by the age of 16.  Most …

The Effects of Stress On Women …and what you can do about it

Women differ from men in both their emotional and physical responses to stress, especially as age and hormones play in to the situation. When reacting to stressors, the body releases hormones such as cortisol, which can impact and affect the digestive system, immune system and overall wellbeing. According to a recent article, when stress hormones are released, it causes a temporary increase in energy production, at the expense of normal bodily processes and system responses.   Here are a few ways stress can negatively affect a women’s body.   Lower Libido Levels- Hormones play a huge role in sex drive, and when compromised with high-stress situations, intimacy can suffer.   Poor digestion- Stress factors can also lead to unbalanced stomach …