It’s COVID season. It’s rabbit season. It’s duck season. And, soon it will be flu season. According to the CDC, approximately 8 percent of the U.S. population, or approximately 26,176,000 people, get sick with the flu annually. The idea of flu season creeping in as we are still responding to the immense struggles and changes COVID-19 has laid out for us may be overwhelming. In certain parts of the country (and the world) hospitals are adjusting to a limited stockpile of personal protective equipment and facing the challenges of creating new respiratory clinics to better serve their patients. Additionally, many people’s immune systems may have been weakened from staying indoors for months on end with little to no physical contact, …
September 8, 2020
Carson Tahoe Health Epidemiologist, Doris Dimmitt, shares the facts on one of the hottest health topics in the media right now, MERS-CoV. There is a ton of information in the media right now about MERS. One important thing to keep in mind is this is a rapidly developing and changing issue so we can expect the stories regarding the what, when, why, and how of MERS will change frequently. We saw this same phenomenon with the SARS outbreak in 2003. So much is unknown at this point so stay calm, get the facts and we will move through this together as we always have in the past. Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome or MERS is a viral illness first reported in …
May 4, 2014
Flu season is here. Protect yourself & others by getting your flu shot.
October 16, 2013
Running to your doctor’s office or emergency room is not always the best choice for the flu.
January 11, 2013
Influenza is usually not life threatening unless you are at high risk for complications. However, this illness combined with a newly wide-spread staph bacteria called MRSA, has formed a deadly new threat that continues to take more and more lives every year.
December 12, 2011