The Flu- When to Stay Home & When to Seek Treatment | Carson Tahoe Health

The Flu- When to Stay Home & When to Seek Treatment

If you have a temperature at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit and a cough or sore throat, you may have the flu.

Common Influenza Symptoms

Fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit


Sore throat

Body Aches

Upper Respiratory Issues


Less Commont Symptoms Associated with Influenza





Stay home if…

You are experiencing flu-like symptoms that are manageable and you are gradually getting better. Most healthy adults will recover without needing medical care and should stay home.

What to do at home

Drink plenty of fluids
Once fever is gone, stay home at least 48 hours
Make sure to get up and move every 2 – 4 hours while awake

Those with influenza should stay home from the first signs of symptoms to at least 48 hours after their fever is gone. You may still be contagious after symptoms have subsided.


Seek treatment if…

You have underlying health issues such as pregnancy, asthma, obesity, COPD, diabetes or autoimmune disorders and are experiencing extreme flu-like symptoms

Your influenza symptoms have not improved after 48 hours


Only seek emergency medical care if…
Warning signs for children

Fast or troubled breathing
Bluish or gray skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Shows signs of dehydration such as dizziness when standing, absence of urination, or in infants, a lack of tears when they cry
Severe or persistent vomiting
Not waking up or not interacting
Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and a worse cough, or breathing difficulties
Seizures (uncontrolled convulsions)

Warning signs for adults
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness
Severe or persistent vomiting
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and a worse cough, or breathing difficulties
Purple or blue discoloration of the lips
Vomiting and inability to keep liquids down
High fever


For More Information, Contact the Center for Disease Control

800-CDC-INFO or (800) 232-4636