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And What is it Exactly you do, Vitamin E?

Chances are, you’ve heard of Vitamin E and can assume that like most vitamins there is some sort of job or function. But do we really know what it does for us? Vitamin E is actually the commonplace name for “tocopherol” and is available in four different forms. It’s a fat-soluble antioxidant, which also can only be obtained as a food supplement. The most widely known health benefits of vitamin E are: -protection against toxins in air pollution -alleviating premenstrual syndrome, -aids in eye disorders, such as cataracts -helps with neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease -and can help with diabetes Vitamin E also contains antioxidant properties, meaning it helps remove unstable compounds that damage the cell structure, also known …

Baked Parmesan Tomatoes Recipe

Tasty, healthy, easy recipe!

The {Bakers} Dozen to Buying Organic

Lately we always seem to hear about the importance of organic foods. We hear about how bad chemicals and pesticides are for us, and yet, on the other hand, we are also told that scientists debate whether organic food is actually better for you- or just a marketing ploy. While eating healthy is always a better option, organic food tends to cost more and spoils faster. For many of us, we are all looking to stretch our dollar for all its worth, which can make buying all organic a little tough for the average busy household. Buying one hundred percent organic may not be feasible for everyone, but if you’re trying to incorporate a few organic items into your produce repertoire  …

When Kids Won’t Eat Dinner

Perhaps the greatest battle we have with our children takes place at the dinner table. Getting food on the dinner table day-in and day-out is no small feat, so when a child refuses the fruits of your labor, it’s enough to make you want to throw in your apron. The question is what to do? Too often these kitchen skirmishes end with yelling and bed without dinner. It’s not easy, but here are few strategies that might improve your dinner routine. Give a Heads Up: Ten to 15 minutes before mealtime, tell your child that it will be time to eat soon. Children may be so tired or excited from the day’s activities that they don’t feel like eating. Letting …

Tips for Avoiding Weight Gain from Drinking Alcohol

Make it a happy hour, not a hefty hour.