northern nevada Archives | Carson Tahoe Health

It’s COVID-19 AND Flu Season?

It’s COVID season. It’s rabbit season. It’s duck season. And, soon it will be flu season. According to the CDC, approximately 8 percent of the U.S. population, or approximately 26,176,000 people, get sick with the flu annually. The idea of flu season creeping in as we are still responding to the immense struggles and changes COVID-19 has laid out for us may be overwhelming. In certain parts of the country (and the world) hospitals are adjusting to a limited stockpile of personal protective equipment and facing the challenges of creating new respiratory clinics to better serve their patients. Additionally, many people’s immune systems may have been weakened from staying indoors for months on end with little to no physical contact, …

Walking with Poles Burns Up to 46% More Calories!

Walking with poles burns 450 calories/hr; walking without poles burns 280 calories/hr

The Best (& Cheapest) Places to Swim & Play in Northern Nevada!

It’s a hot day and you need to get the kids out of the house, but going to the park sounds like going to a sauna.  Never fear – We’re here to help get you and your kids out to enjoy some water play! Splash Around at a Local Water Park 1. North Valleys Water Splash Park (North Valleys Regional Park, 8085 Silver Lake Road in Stead) – This is a local aviation themed water splash park, with neat remodels of  military aircraft. It’s a unique water splash park with more than 20 different water features and over 60 spray heads! The park is open daily from 10 am – 5 pm through August 9th, 2014; it will be open …

E.R. or Not? How to be a Savvy Healthcare Consumer

When it’s 7 p.m. on a Friday evening and you don’t think you can wait through the weekend to see your doctor, where should you go for treatment? If you guessed the emergency department, think again. The emergency department is one of the most expensive places to seek non-emergent healthcare. Ideally, patients should try to be seen by their primary care physician first, but illnesses don’t always strike during normal office hours. Learn about the differences between medical clinics, urgent care centers, and emergency departments before you need care, so you know where to go when you need it. Your physical and financial health will benefit. In addition to your primary care office, you have four basic options for care: …

Be a Happy (last minute) Camper! Top 4 Local Places to Camp without Reservations

Not everyone is a planner. Because, let’s face it – not everyone, while bundled in January fleece and dodging rain puddles, can envision the balmy summer months ahead and imagine pitching tents under the stars and building bonfires for s’ mores. So camping in our region can be a little unforgiving for those of us who like to fly, if just a little, by the seat of our pants. We get inspired mid-week on a sunny day and want to go camping NOW. Luckily, if you forgot to reserve a campsite last winter, you can still find great camping – last minute – anytime this summer. Check out this list of campsites that don’t take reservations, and are offered on …