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3 Crockpot Meals…Under 100 Calories

We all love to come home to food already made for us. Many of us are so busy in our everyday lives we opt to eat out regularly to avoid the hassle of cooking.  However, there is a solution to this problem, and it is something we all know about, but perhaps rarely use, the Crockpot. In a busy world where being prepared for the next step is essential, this magical machine is a huge time saver. We have compiled three healthy, but more importantly, yummy, recipes for you to try. So let’s all pull out those Crockpot’s (we somehow all end up with one, don’t we?) and put those bad boys to use! Crockpot Roast Chicken (adapted from sparkpeople.com) …

Changing up your Beauty Routine while Pregnant

  Most mommies to be are aware of precautions to take in their diet, however it’s important to be aware of pregnancy- recommended skincare products as well. Here are a few pointers you can incorporate into you skincare and beauty routine from skin care expert and author of the book “Belli Beautiful,” Melissa Schweiger.   “Instead of applying mascara at the roots of the lashes, apply it only onto the tips of the lashes.” “Stage a ban on all synthetic perfumes. Instead, use essential oils (we love jasmine and citrus scents) and dab them onto your hair.” “Rather than getting a single process hair color that sits on the scalp, opt for highlights instead. Or get an ammonia-free glaze to …