Healthy Living Archives | Page 4 of 9 | Carson Tahoe Health

Self-Care Made Simple

Managing your mental and physical health is never an easy feat. Add a global pandemic, a turbulent election year, and everything else 2020 so generously blessed us with. The onset and marathon of COVID-19 robbed many people of their jobs, maybe their alone time, and inarguably brought great loss. Because of the constant and immense stress, many people may have created new (and not so great) habits. Last year taught us that our health is our most important asset and it is up to us to be aware of our needs and make sure they’re filled. Cue self-care. Yes, it’s been a buzz word for a while, but what does it actually mean to take care of yourself? Think about …

The Skinny on Pandemic Skincare

The important precautions you’re taking to avoid the coronavirus can have unintended consequences for your skin. Take steps to keep it happy while staying healthy. Cold weather can be tough on your skin by drying it out. But this fall and winter, your body’s largest organ faces additional challenges—dryness and irritation caused by recommended safety measures related to COVID-19. Wearing a mask, for example, may cause acne, rashes, or peeling, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Frequent handwashing can rob your skin of moisture, causing cracking. The pandemic seems likely to continue for several more months, which means it’s important to keep following “stop-the-spread” recommendations—and to incorporate daily skin care into your wellness routine to counteract potential skin …

Coping With Pandemic Fatigue? You’re Not Alone …

We’ve been discussing the virus at family dinners, work meetings, and our social media pages from February until November, and counting. As we are living through unprecedented times brought on by the pandemic, life continues to be challenging and abnormal for the majority of us because there is still so much unknown. You may be thinking, “When will there be a COVID-19 vaccine?” or “When we can go back to somewhat regular life?” These questions and countless others, media overload, and the real fear around it all has a great number of people experiencing COVID-burnout. What Is ‘COVID-19 Burnout’? Most of us have experienced some type of burnout at some point in our lives. It’s that time period where you …

Diabetes-Friendly Pumpkin Mousse Recipe

November is Diabetes Awareness month!  At Carson Tahoe Health, we believe diabetes education and support is an important resource. Whether you’re practicing self-management for your own diabetes care, need assistance learning to help care for a loved one, or are just looking to learn about prevention, we’re here for you every step of the way. Join Bridget Wood, RD, LD, and follow along as she makes a pumpkin mousse recipe for national diabetes awareness month! Pumpkin Mousse Recipe Ingredients: 1 can pumpkin puree (Not pumpkin filling!) 1 T of Sugar Substitute of your choice (I used a blend of erythritol, monk fruit, and chicory root) 1 tsp of vanilla extract 1 ½ cups whipped cream (store bought or homemade using …

Navigating COVID with a Disability

It has been nearly six months since the country first started to shelter in place to avoid the potential spread of COVID-19. While many companies race to find a vaccine, we continue to adapt to our new normal. Obviously there is nothing normal about wearing masks and keeping a strict six-foot distance from one another, but we do our best to stay positive, productive, and keep our health in check. Staying healthy might be more challenging for those with small school-aged children, those with pre-existing conditions, the elderly, and those with disabilities. Having an impairment doesn’t necessarily put you at a higher risk for contracting COVID-19, however, there are certain disabilities that can make illness more complicated. For example: people …