Healthy Living Archives | Page 7 of 9 | Carson Tahoe Health

Coronavirus Protection & Prevention

With coronavirus top of mind for most of the country, and as cases are being reported around the world, its normal to feel worried, but best to stay informed. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) continues to believe that the risk of acquiring this virus in the United States is low. For information on treating respiratory symptoms and when to seek care, please call the COVID-19 Carson City Health & Human Services Hot Line at (775) 434-1988. Carson Tahoe Health Chief Medical Officer Allen Fink, DO, MHA, FACEP has put together some tips to protect yourself and stay healthy. Protection & Prevention Protection against novel coronavirus (CoVid19) is much like preventing transmission of the flu. There are everyday preventive actions …

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolution (Past January)

It’s late January, and you’ve made a commitment to improving a certain area of your life. It may be related to your health, your career, your spirituality, or even your relationships. These goals, often called New Year’s Resolutions, routinely drive our behavior, perhaps away from our decadent holiday eating/drinking habits and towards a new skill or hobby. Although you set out for excellence full steam ahead, you may be struggling in maintaining your commitment coming into February. Repeat after me. You are not alone. We’ve seriously all been there. The most difficult part (and the most important) is keeping your resolution, sticking through the initial momentum and into the year to actually form habits so your routines last. Here are …

Don’t Overlook Primary Care (Even When You’re Healthy)

The times of traditional healthcare are over. Younger generations, increasing use of technology and a fast-paced lifestyle are just several pieces to the new (and complicated) healthcare puzzle. In a recent survey through the Kaiser Family Foundation, 26 percent of adults said they didn’t have a family care provider. Of those, nearly half (45 percent) were 18 to 29-year-olds. It’s no secret that millennials (dare I say it – everyone has a varying perception) do not access care in the same way their predecessors do. The old way was simple – a family shared one primary care physician (PCP) – this was your family doctor. Now – people establishing care: Want care fast; Have a plethora of research at their …

Fat Loss for a Healthy Summer!

The days have gotten longer and the weather has gotten warmer – summertime is here! It’s that time of the year where you can incorporate outdoor activities into your daily workout. Don’t have one? Don’t fret, there is still time to develop one and get into the healthy habit of exercising. Your next question probably is, what is the best type of exercise for me? Well, it all depends on the goal you want to achieve.  If your ultimate goal is to lose weight, you should look into cardio and strength workouts. Does one exercise have greater benefits than another? Research has shown that strength exercises can burn more calories, because of the after-burn effect (where you burn more calories …

5 Steps to a Northern Nevada Garden

Gardening in Northern Nevada can be tricky, but with a few tips from two seasoned green thumbs, you can enjoy the benefits of growing your own produce. A dry climate, the potential for dramatic temperature swings (sometimes on the same day), a short frost-free season, and soil that needs some work can make planting and maintaining a garden in Northern Nevada seem like an impossible task. But nothing could be further from the truth, say local gardening experts Cory King, Site Manager and Garden Educator at The Greenhouse Project, and Will Pierz, Assistant Manager at The Greenhouse Project. Here, they share five tips for gardening in the high desert. 1. Pick a Spot for Your Plot An ideal spot for …