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What’s the Deal with Kale?

Many consider kale to be the most nutritious vegetable, with powerful antioxidant properties.

Guest Post: How to Find a Daycare in Northern Nevada

We’re thrilled that Lauren Sunderland from the blog, The Reno Sparks Mom stopped by to share her tips to finding a daycare in northern Nevada! Take it away, Lauren! My daughter is two years old and she has been in and out of four different daycares. Some were great experiences that we were terribly sad to see end, while others were terrible experiences that left us running as quick as we could in the opposite direction. Whatever the reason, we’ve found ourselves in search of a daycare numerous times and each time were frustrated with the lack of resources tailored to our area.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that finding a daycare is difficult and I’d like to …

Tasty Valentine’s Day Vanilla-Pomegranate Parfaits

Looking for a figure-friendly sweet treat this Valentine’s Day? Try tasty vanilla-pomegranate parfaits.

Snowshoeing: A Sweetheart’s Guide to the Perfect Getaway

An outdoor snowshoeing adventure, spectacular views, and a little exercise are just a hike away.

Healthy Portobello “Philly Cheese Steak” Sandwich

A healthy spin on a Portobello Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich