northern nevada Archives | Page 5 of 13 | Carson Tahoe Health

Exercises to Prepare for Winter Sports

Dr. Eisenhauer, DO, Tahoe Fracture and Orthopedics, provides head-to-toe exercises for winter sports

Talking to Your Kids about Tragic and Violent Events

Talking to kids about violent news, keeping it age-appropriate

What Does a “Gold Level Rated Cancer Center” Mean to Me?

Cancer patients have the very best cancer care available to them right here in Carson City.

West Nile Virus Found in Northern Nevada…Fight the Bite!

Mosquito larva infected with West Nile Virus has been identified in several Northern Nevada counties.

Healthy Hair…A Crash Course

So often we overlook care for our hair. We are constantly trying to keep our bodies healthy, our family healthy, and as a result, hair sometimes falls by the wayside. So we thought we’d provide a quick crash course on ways to keep that mane healthy!  First, an anatomy lesson: Hair growth begins in the hair follicle, and once it leaves the follicle, it is technically dead. Since there is no biochemical activity keeping the hair shaft alive, it is that much more important to take good care of your hair. Each person’s body chemistry and genes determine how fast/how long will grow, and we all know what it’s like to have major hair envy over those genetically blessed individuals. …