women's health Archives | Carson Tahoe Health

Meal planning for health (and savings)

Planning and preparing lunches ahead of time can lead to a healthier, cheaper diet.

Tips To Save on Winter Clothes For Kids

Let’s face it. Where we live, you need to layer up in the winter months! But many times adding winter clothes to your child’s wardrobe can be a costly and even frustrating process (they just keep growing!). We’ve compiled some tips to help you keep your kiddos warm and reel in your spending.   Sales! First things first, HIT THE SALES. January-April is actually a great time to stock up on items you need. The after-Christmas and end of season sales offer top quality brands at lower price points. Plus, since it doesn’t usually warm up in these parts ‘til around April, you can still get some use out of them this season.   If your children are still growing, …

5 For Friday: 5 Benefits of Ginger

Ginger has long been used as a spice to foods and has played a large role in many cuisine dishes from Asia. However, it is now gaining popularity in the west and ladies and gents…this little root packs a big punch! Here are things that make ginger just that much more awesome!   Haven’t been feeling hungry? Eat fresh ginger just before lunch to stoke a dull appetite and fire up the digestive juices. Ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body. Ginger clears the microcirculatory channels of the body, including the pesky sinuses that tend to flare up. Feeling motion sick or airsick? Chew on ginger, preferably tossed in a little honey to relieve symptoms. …

Kids Got Skills?

We reached out to the amazing pediatrics team at Carson Medical Group Carson Tahoe Health to help us identify at what age we should be teaching our children basic life and motor skills. If you and your child are at home enjoying the holiday break, consider trying a few!   First things first, it’s important to remember that children develop at different speeds, and that’s ok. These are recommendations about what generally works best for each child. If you have any questions about your children’s developmental skills, you should consult your pediatrician!   Ages 2-3 This is the average age when kids begin to learn basic skills, they mainly include grooming and some help with chores. Here’s what you can …

5 For Friday: Five Holiday Party Tips

‘Tis the season to be celebrating holiday cheer! If you are hosting a fantastic soiree, but want to be (even just a little more) health conscious here’s some great tips!   1. Dish up lighter or smaller desserts. Let’s be honest: it wouldn’t be a holiday party without holiday desserts. So make it easy for your guests. Serve light desserts when possible, and offer dessert trays with bite-size samples. When serving up desserts, think about portions that are two to four bites — just enough to taste and enjoy. Your guests can always have more! (Tip from WebMD.com) 2.GET MOVING.. It depends on the type of party you’re having, but possibilities include: Dancing. Holiday caroling or a moonlight, candlelight, or flashlight …