women's health Archives | Page 5 of 6 | Carson Tahoe Health

Menopause: A Review

All you need to know about “The Change.” Menopause is a normal and natural part of a woman’s aging process that usually occurs around the age of 50. During this time, hormones change and menstruation (“getting periods”) stops. Common symptoms include hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, night sweats, and irregular periods. Menopausal onset age, duration, and symptoms differ among women and your doctor can recommend ways to ease the symptoms that bother you. A brief anatomy lesson:  The internal female reproductive system includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina. The ovaries are two small organs that produce eggs (ova) and hormones. During a female’s reproductive years, an ovary typically releases one mature egg each month. Two fallopian tubes …

Missing: Your Period…about Amenorrhea

Today we will be spotlighting Amenorrhea, which is condition in which absent menstruation occurs in women. If you feel like this is something you may be experiencing, consult your physician for further diagnosis. The facts: Amenorrhea is a medical term that means the absence of menstruation.  It’s considered a symptom and not a disease because it usually results from another condition.  There are numerous reasons for a missed period for females that are not pregnant, lactating, or in menopause.  Luckily, most of the conditions that cause amenorrhea respond to treatment. There are actually two types of Amenorrhea, primary and secondary. Primary amenorrhea refers to a first period that has not occurred in a female by the age of 16.  Most …

Guest Post: How to Find a Daycare in Northern Nevada

We’re thrilled that Lauren Sunderland from the blog, The Reno Sparks Mom stopped by to share her tips to finding a daycare in northern Nevada! Take it away, Lauren! My daughter is two years old and she has been in and out of four different daycares. Some were great experiences that we were terribly sad to see end, while others were terrible experiences that left us running as quick as we could in the opposite direction. Whatever the reason, we’ve found ourselves in search of a daycare numerous times and each time were frustrated with the lack of resources tailored to our area.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that finding a daycare is difficult and I’d like to …

Bones, Bones, Bones- Why Osteoporosis is No JOKE

So maybe you’ve seen the commercials with Sally Field talking about how she fights it, or you’ve at least heard the word osteoporosis, but did you know osteoporosis can hinder activity, become extremely painful and contribute poorly to a person’s overall wellbeing? You see, osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle, so weak that mild activities like bending or coughing can cause a fracture; fractures are most common in the hip, wrist and spine. In the US, more than 40 million people either already have osteoporosis or are at high risk due to low bone mass and while Osteoporosis cannot be entirely prevented or cured, there are ways to slow the progression. Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and …

3 Crockpot Meals…Under 100 Calories

We all love to come home to food already made for us. Many of us are so busy in our everyday lives we opt to eat out regularly to avoid the hassle of cooking.  However, there is a solution to this problem, and it is something we all know about, but perhaps rarely use, the Crockpot. In a busy world where being prepared for the next step is essential, this magical machine is a huge time saver. We have compiled three healthy, but more importantly, yummy, recipes for you to try. So let’s all pull out those Crockpot’s (we somehow all end up with one, don’t we?) and put those bad boys to use! Crockpot Roast Chicken (adapted from sparkpeople.com) …