women's health Archives | Page 4 of 6 | Carson Tahoe Health

Ask The Skincare Expert: Why is it Important to Wear Sunscreen?

We’re back with the lovely and talented Emily Sindlinger who chatting with us today about why overexposure in the sun is NOT our friend.   The sun is your skin’s number-one enemy!    Sun exposure is the number-one cause of premature aging of the skin. Sun exposure is the number-one cause of skin cancer. Sun exposure is the number-one cause of cancer (there are more cases of skin cancer than any other form of cancer). Wearing sunscreen on a daily basis is so important because avoiding direct sunlight is near impossible.  Many people only use sunscreen when you go to the beach, but it is just as important when going to the grocery store, taking out the trash or sitting next to …

What your Fingernails may Tell you about your Health

Fingernails, you ask? What does that have to do with my health? Surprisingly your fingernails are a good indication of what can be going good, or bad in your bod.   Our fingernails can be indicators of hormonal imbalances, if you are receiving the proper nutrition, or are suffering from a metabolic disorder. A good indication you are suffering from one of the following is peeling or yellowing nails. While some degree of peeling is normal for fingernails, if your nails seem unusually weak and you find them breaking, tearing, and peeling often, it could be a sign that something internally may be in need of treatment.   In other cases, nail change may mean that you may be suffering …

Exercising During Pregnancy

You’re pregnant! Let’s workout…. Okay, maybe that’s not always the case. Although you may not feel like running a marathon, most women benefit greatly from exercising throughout their pregnancies. But during that time, you’ll need to discuss your exercise plans with your doctor or other health care provider early on and make a few adjustments to your normal exercise routine. The level of exercise recommended will depend, in part, on your level of pre-pregnancy fitness. Even if you have never exercised regularly before, you can safely begin a workout program during pregnancy.   Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy No doubt about it, exercise is a big plus for both you and your baby (if complications don’t limit your ability to …

4 Exercises Perfect for Women Over 55

Most of us know that staying active is key to optimal health, however as we age, exercise becomes an imperative tool for preventive health measures. Benefits of exercise include lowered blood pressure, improved cholesterol levels, prevention of osteoporosis, weight management and cancer prevention. The American Heart Association recommends that healthy women over 55 get 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise on all or most days of the week. Here are some simple activity options to try. Walking Walking is one of the best exercises for older women. It can be done anywhere — indoors or outdoors. In the winter, it can be done in a mall and in the summer, in nature or just around your neighborhood. Walking briskly gets …


And we’re back with part two on how one northern Nevada family is making it work… even while working together.   Bill and Shelby had anchored the morning news segment together, meaning they were literally working next to each other for five years. While some may cringe at the idea of working with their spouses everyday in tight quarters, Bill and Shelby loved it.   Shelby: “Before we had kids, we would both get up at 3a.m. drive to work together to get to the station by 4a.m., do the morning segment and the noon segment which left our afternoons wide open! We would go golfing, catch a movie or grab lunch, it was like we were on a date …