5 for Friday: Five Things to Do with Left over Halloween Candy | Carson Tahoe Health

5 for Friday: Five Things to Do with Left over Halloween Candy

Ok, it’s been over a week since your little trick-or-treaters gathered their loot! If it still seems like you have an abundance left (that you’re trying to get rid of) we’ve compiled five ideas for you!


Trail Mix it Up

Open bags of little candies like M&Ms and make your own trail mix by adding pretzels, nuts, and dried fruit to create an energy-filled snack for your next outdoor adventure!


Bring it to the Office

The workplace is notorious for the disappearance of communal treats. Why not share the wealth with your colleagues or save some in a bowl at your desk for visitors!


Donate it!

Groups like Operation Shoebox, and Operation Gratitude will gladly take donations and send it to the troops overseas.


Craft with it:

If it’s candy that doesn’t rot like hard candy and candy corns, glue it to a wreath mold to make a fun decoration for next year. You can also save some for a Gingerbread house as the holidays roll around.


Send it!

Have a far away family member or friend who could use a sweet message? Mail a fun card and candy to brighten up their day!