Today, we’re catching up with the super cool founders of the new Reno Mom’s Blog! ( These two working moms started Reno Mom’s Blog a few months ago and we’re so excited to partner with them and have them on Toast! We thought we’d get to know them a little better and gain a some more insight into the lives of two, busy, working and blogging moms!
First, tell us a little bit about yourselves:
Names: Annie McFarland & Jenny Petty
Location: Reno, NV
Family Life: Annie is married to Chris and mom to Lillian, 3, and Jenny is married to Travis and mom to Henry, 2, with a baby girl on the way in October.
Annie – Brand and Media Licensing Specialist
Jenny – Digital Marketing Specialist
Tell us about Reno Moms Blog, why did you start it?
We started Reno Moms Blog because we wanted to create a community of moms in the Truckee Meadows, online AND offline. Becoming a mother is an amazing, life transforming event, but sometimes it can be isolating (especially when you’re home as a brand-new mom with a tiny baby).
There’s no shortage of parenting blogs out there, and we love a lot of them; but we were hungry for a real-life connection in our community, and it turns out, a lot of other northern Nevada moms are, too. So our mission with Reno Moms Blog is to create a place for moms in our area to share their experiences, swap resources and ideas and get to know each other online and offline.
For us, this is a passion project that we had talked about for a long time. We both have been bloggers since before we were mothers, and Reno Moms Blog has been the perfect opportunity for us to merge two of our loves – writing and getting to know other moms.
What is your favorite part about living northern Nevada?
Jenny – The people. I grew up in rural Nevada so coming to Reno was a move to “the big city.” I love that it still has a small town feel and natural beauty. Being at the foot of the Sierras makes me feel at home.
Annie – As a native Nevadan, I love looking around and seeing memories everywhere…the parks we went to on school field trips, the restaurant we always stopped at on our way up to Tahoe, and all the one-of-a-kind places that make our area different – and great! I also love always being surrounded by our gorgeous mountains in every direction. I feel lost without them!
What do you do to try and live a healthy lifestyle?
Jenny – I try to include a lot of fresh produce in my family’s meals and use the local Farmer’s Market scene during the summer. It’s fun to try new recipes with fruits or veggies that we’ve never tried before. I’m sad to day that the only exercise I get these days is chasing my son around. I’m hoping to get back into a real routine after this pregnancy.
Annie – I was diagnosed with lupus in 2002, but it wasn’t until the birth of my daughter that both me and my husband took actual steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Right now, we are trading off workout days: he does the gym three days a week right after work, and I do Kaia Fit with a girlfriend three mornings a week before anyone’s awake. It’s especially important to me as the mom of a little girl to talk consistently in front of her about healthy food and being active, as opposed to being on a “diet” or trying to “lose weight.”
Any advice for moms in the area looking to get involved?
Annie – Being a mom is both a universal and a unique experience at the same time. There’s so much about motherhood that is deeply personal, but every time I have taken the chance to strike up a conversation with another mom at the park, Gymboree, wherever, I often walk away feeling less alone. Being a mom means you already have something in common with millions of other women out there, so don’t be afraid to “make the first move” and connect with another mom.
And now some fun stuff…
What’s your idea of the perfect date night?
Jenny – I love classic date nights like dinner and a movie. My husband and I love catching live music when we can, but sometimes it’s the little things like driving in the car with just the two of us that can feel like date night
Annie – As long as we are fantasizing….dinner in New York City, followed by a Broadway show, and late-night drinks. In the real world, our most recent date was bowling, beer and burgers at the Little Nugget. Perfection!
Favorite family activity?
Jenny – As our son gets older we can’t wait to introduce him to skiing and hiking. He has a newfound love of the water so this summer we’ve done a lot of pool time and one great trip to Wild Island.
Annie – Playing games has been a huge hit lately. We love Go Fish, Chutes & Ladders, puzzles, hide-and-seek, hidden picture books and the Minnie Mouse Bow-Tique Matching Game.
Favorite vacation spot?
Jenny – Anywhere with a beach! I love traveling, but beach vacations make me truly feel like I can unwind. I also love discovering new cities with my husband. We try to do a trip once a year to a new place, just the two of us.
Annie-hands down, bar none – Disneyland (kid optional!). My husband and I would love to plan a trip to the new Disney resort in Hawaii, too. Our most favorite family trip so far has been Panama City Beach, FL. Can’t wait to go back!
What did you want to be when you were younger?
Jenny – When I was really young I wanted to be a ski instructor in the winter and a swim instructor in the summer. I had it all figured out J As a teenager I wanted to be a writer so choosing Journalism at UNR was my practical way of keeping that dream alive.
Annie – A writer!
Guilty Pleasure?
Jenny – The horribleness that is Real Housewives OC. I’ve watched since the beginning and I just can’t stop. Also, pedicures, beauty products and mojitos.
Annie – Law and Order: SVU marathons, VitaminWater and 90s hip hop.
Favorite saying or quote?
Jenny – “No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.”- Aesop
Annie – “It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius
Big Thanks to Jenny and Annie! Be sure to check out Reno Mom’s Blog! If you happen to stop over there today, they are sharing news about Carson Tahoe Health’s Baby-Friendly designation