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It’s Easy to Make a Resolution, Here’s How to Keep it.
Mina Fiddyment, Carson Tahoe Women’s Health Navigator
The New Year is here and if you are like me, you’re looking to make a resolution – spend less money, lose weight, quit smoking, etc. The problem with New Year’s resolutions is that they are often too big to achieve, and we just end up breaking them a month later. When deciding on what you plan to do in the upcoming year, think about what you have the time, motivation and energy to achieve and be specific! The more detailed you are in your resolutions, the better you are prepared to achieve your goals.
Here are some tips to help you meet your goals:
• Be realistic. Remember to be honest with yourself and set realistic goals. This might mean you may have to go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate your resolution. For instance, remember that most doctors say healthy weight loss is between one and two pounds per week.
• Share your resolutions with everyone! One is more likely to achieve a resolution by being held accountable because it’s harder to back out.
• Plan ahead. If your New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight, go to the gym or spend less money – try adding it to your “to-do list”. By planning ahead you eliminate the need for excuses.
• Don’t get discouraged. If you haven’t lost the amount of weight you had hoped by the end of January, don’t get discouraged! Focus on your main goal and know that you have an entire year to reach that goal. Reward yourself for small successes and continue to work toward your ultimate goal.
• Don’t beat yourself up! If you missed a day at the gym, or faltered on your healthy eating habits – it’s no big deal! There is always a new day to begin again. Having a plan to deal with the inevitable setback can help you get back on track.
• Ask for support. Don’t be afraid to ask for support from friends, family, co-workers etc. Friends and family can help you achieve your goals by providing words of wisdom and encouragement. It is, however, important to learn not to depend on that support and find ways that work to motivate yourself.
• Don’t let your guard down. It is easy to fall out of routines. Once your resolution has become part of your routine, you may feel like you can take a break or celebrate. Celebrating the new you is important as long as you can keep your goal in sight.
• Don’t undo the new you. Once you have reached your goal, skipping the gym, eating junk every night of the week, or smoking because you feel like you can have just one, will undo the new you! It is important to find internal motivators that can help sustain your achieved goal – how great you feel after finishing a 5-mile run, or how much more energy and confidence you’ve had since you dropped weight.
Good luck achieving your goals. I’ll leave you with a few facts about New Year’s resolutions:
• Only about 48% of American adults say they are likely to make a resolution
• 63% of people say they are keeping their resolution after two months
• 67% of people make three or more resolutions
• People make more resolutions to start a new habit rather than to break an old one.
• The top four resolutions include: increase exercise, be more conscientious about work or school, develop better eating habits, and stop smoking, drinking or using drugs (including caffeine).
For more information, please call Mina Fiddyment, Carson Tahoe Women’s Health Navigator, at (775) 445-5169.
What is your New Year’s resolution? Please share with us your resolutions and your tips for making them last.